Friday, June 14, 2013

Rainy season of Ranchi

finally after long break I am writing it again!!!!!!!!!
Ohh I am too glad to write about the rain in Ranchi........... its so pleasurable to be here at this time as
the rain is so beautiful here creating fresh plants greenery and flowers with many colors
the best part I like is its so cool and divine climate here I could imagine only in dreams the significant change occurred just two weeks back and I was afraid that that the hot summer may come back but rain is continuing
feels so fresh have literally got increased energy!!!!!!
as the advanture of the whether have took some random pakodas and hurt my stomach but pain is also incredible with low intensity and low speed of recovery. reminds me of somatic complain I had last year during same time. This year there is addition of my friend not being here but still have got some fresh new buddy's around here and enjoying life...

anyways that it for now